Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall proclaims the next:
General Officer Retirement:
Maj. Gen. Ferdinand B. Stoss
From: Director, Plans and Policy, J-5, Headquarters United States Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska
General Officer Assignments:
Brig. Gen. (Frocked) Andrew M. Clark
From: Commander, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing, United States Air Forces Central Command, Air Combat Command, Al Dhafra AB, United Arab Emirates
To: Commander, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Alliance Ground Surveillance Force, Allied Command Operations, NATO, Sigonella, Italy
Brig. Gen. (Selected) Jeffrey W. Nelson
From: Director, Department of the Air Force Transition, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va.
To: Commander, 379th Air Expeditionary Wing, USCENTCOM, ACC, Al Udeid AB, Qatar
Senior Leader Assignments:
Jennifer M. Aquinas
From: Deputy Director, Security, Special Program (*24*) and Information Protection, Office of the Administrative Assistant, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va.
To: Director, Security, Special Program (*24*) and Information Protection, Office of the Administrative Assistant, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va.
Michael R. Shoults
From: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategy, Integration and Requirements, Headquarters Air Force, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va.
To: Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration, HAF, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va.